
Shravasti holds a special place in Buddhist history as a site where many significant events occurred during Buddha’s lifetime. Pilgrims and followers visit Shravasti to pay homage to these historical and spiritually significant events associated with the life of Buddha.


Places to See

Jetavana Monastery

Angulimala Stupa

Jetavana Monastery

Jetavana Monastery in Shravasti holds a rich history marked by the extraordinary generosity of Anathapindika, who, as a devoted follower of Buddha, purchased the Jetavana park and offered it for the establishment of a monastery. This became one of Buddha’s favored residences, where he delivered important teachings, performed miracles, and spent numerous rainy seasons. Anathapindika’s act of covering the ground with gold coins to acquire the park showcases his profound generosity. The archaeological remains of Jetavana provide valuable insights into ancient Buddhist monastic life, making it a significant pilgrimage site that symbolizes both the devotion of its founder and the spiritual teachings of Buddha.

Angulimala Stupa

Angulimala, originally a murderer who collected fingers as a grisly necklace, encountered Buddha. Influenced by Buddha’s teachings, Angulimala abandoned violence and became a monk. His story illustrates the transformative power of compassion and redemption in Buddhism.
